As we celebrate Easter this year, it’s time to throwback to Russian royalty for the ultimate Easter inspiration in gold, diamonds and gems. Easter is traditionally the time for chocolate easter eggs and no one has made eggs any more beautiful than the legenedary Russian jeweller, Peter Carl Fabergé. Fabergé created only 50 exquisitely decorated eggs that the Russian Royal family gave as extravagant Easter gifts to their friends and family. The bejewelled & intricate eggs that Fabergé created for the Russian royalty are called the ‘Imperial’ eggs. Fabergé also made eggs for other wealthy clients but these do not have the coveted “Imperial” title.
Fabergé eggs are much more than just symbols of overt luxury and decadence, they are objects of fascination and exceptional workmanship. Here are some fascinating facts about Faberge eggs:
- Fabergé eggs were Easter gifts - the young wife of Tsar Alexander III was sent far away from her family for an arranged marriage to the Tsar of Russia. Maria felt lonely and homesick so the Tsar commissioned a jewelled egg as an Easter gift to cheer up his wife - the very first Fabergé egg. Maria was overjoyed with the exquisite egg and it became a tradition that the eggs would be made as gifts for the aristocracy.
- Some Fabergé eggs are missing – after the fall of the Russian royal family during the Russian Revolution the Imperial eggs disappeared, presumably stolen. Today, some are in private collections, while others are in museums and some have vanished without a trace.
- The Queen of England owns three – given their rarity and elusiveness, Fabergé eggs are the ultimate collector’s objects. The British royal family were huge fans of Fabergé objectsand so in 1933, they purchased three exquisite imperial eggs – the Colonnade Egg Clock, the Basket of Flowers Egg and the Mosaic Egg.